DUES-$10 pp per year
This section modifies our method of collecting the seasonal (our season starts in October and ends in April) dues are assessed to every member of The Villages Minnesota Club. People just joining the club will still register and pay their first year’s dues ($10 pp) and for their name badges ($8 pp one-time) at the meeting when they sign up, just like they do now. Up until the following change, we’ve always collected seasonal dues at each of our monthly meetings starting in October and we will keep doing that. But now we are going to add a mail-in method. This new method, hopefully, will be more convenient, more successful, and involve only the cost of postage for the members. It will work like this:
Each member or couple will send a check for $10 per person made out to the MN Club, along with a stamped, self-addressed envelope (for the return of the ‘year’ stickers for your name badges) to Tom Aldrich, 487 Greyville Court 32162. Simple as that.
Members can also choose to use this mail-in method to send me their notice that they are no longer interested in being club members. Members are reminded that seasonal dues should be paid promptly starting in October of each year.
Because our club has grown so large, we may be forced to cancel the membership of those members who do not pay their dues promptly. They will be notified and given a chance to pay their dues before being removed from our roster and e-mail list.
This section modifies our method of collecting the seasonal (our season starts in October and ends in April) dues are assessed to every member of The Villages Minnesota Club. People just joining the club will still register and pay their first year’s dues ($10 pp) and for their name badges ($8 pp one-time) at the meeting when they sign up, just like they do now. Up until the following change, we’ve always collected seasonal dues at each of our monthly meetings starting in October and we will keep doing that. But now we are going to add a mail-in method. This new method, hopefully, will be more convenient, more successful, and involve only the cost of postage for the members. It will work like this:
Each member or couple will send a check for $10 per person made out to the MN Club, along with a stamped, self-addressed envelope (for the return of the ‘year’ stickers for your name badges) to Tom Aldrich, 487 Greyville Court 32162. Simple as that.
Members can also choose to use this mail-in method to send me their notice that they are no longer interested in being club members. Members are reminded that seasonal dues should be paid promptly starting in October of each year.
Because our club has grown so large, we may be forced to cancel the membership of those members who do not pay their dues promptly. They will be notified and given a chance to pay their dues before being removed from our roster and e-mail list.